Enabling Web/Mobile Reporting
If you have already enabled Web/Mobile Reporting feature, click here for instructions on how to punch from a smartphone or any other device with web browser.
With Web/Mobile Reporting, your employees can punch in and out from their smart phones or any other device with web browser. If "Location" is enabled on the employee's device, you will be able to view where the employee was when the punch was made.For instructions on where to view the Geolocation click here.
Enabling the Setting
1. Log in to us.timedox.com with Administrator (Company owner) credentials.
2. Choose "Employees" from the top menu bar and then select "Employees Management" from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, click "Add Employees" tile on the main screen.
3. Double click on the user profile once the list of all employees is displayed.
4. Select the "Identification Means" tab.
5. In the 4th box of the table, you will see <<WebPage/Mobile>> column. Below WebPage/Mobile you will see a button that reads, "Open Details". Click "Open Details" and select the Department to give the employee access to using Web/Mobile punching. (If you only have 1 department select "Check All" ).
6. Do not forget to click "Save" to apply changes.

Obtaining the Credentials
1. Under Identification Means you will see a field that reads <<Authentication>>. There both Employee Number and Device PIN Code can be found.
The "Employee No" and the "Device PIN Code", located in the <<Authentication>> table will allow your employees to punch with smartphone or any other device with web browser.
(By selecting the Device Pin Code Field, you will reveal the hidden characters, If the box is empty you are allowed to enter up to a 4-digit code).

You do not need to enter the hyphens when you log in using the Device PIN Code.

Should you require more information or have questions about Mobile/Web Reporting or any other feature offered by Timedox, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.
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