To set Pay Period (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly), enable Time Rounding (rounding the punches to the nearest quarter within 7-minute increment) or Night Mode (for employees punching past midnight) access the Configurations menu.
1. Log in to Timedox using Administrator credentials.
2. Select the "hamburger menu" icon
in the top right corner on any page of the website.
3. Select "Configurations" option in the bottom left corner of the pop-up window. Night Mode
If your company has more than one shift and your employees work overnight, check the box for the system to register punches after midnight to register for the same day.
E.g. if an employee clocks IN at 7 PM on 01/01/2024 and clocks OUT at 2 AM 01/02/2024 the system will save both punches for 01/01/2024. If the first employee in your company shows up to work no earlier than 6 am and the last employee leaves before midnight you can leave the setting disabled.
Enable Time Rounding
Timeclock Punch Rounding is a process of rounding the punch time to make payroll calculations simpler or to give the employees a grace period when starting or ending work.

By Federal Law, the time will round to the nearest quarter hour within 7-minute increments. This is also known as the 7-minute rule.
E.g. If an employee clock IN at 7:07 PM the time will round to 7:00 PM, however, if the employee clock IN at 7:08 PM the time will round to 7:15 PM.
Pay Period
Here you can configure the payroll setting for your pay period. The settings are configured per each department.
Weekly = Payroll every 7 days
Bi-Weekly = Payroll every 14 days
Semi-Monthly = Payroll twice a month
Monthly = Payroll every 1 month
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